Let’s Partner Together
Interested in becoming a partner? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!

Professional Creatives
Musicians - Visual Artists - Makers - Taste Artists
Our professional creative partners provide a vital part of our support systems, so we provide a network of like-minded creatives to help find gigs as well as sponsors who can help support their therapeutic/professional goals, in return.
Periodically, our professional creative partners are spotlighted in a house show/jam session series which serves as a “front porch” opportunity for our support systems to meet and for potential partners to see what we are about.
Trauma takes away a person’s voice and dignity. This is especially true during adolescence. The expressive/maker arts, however, have the ability to give that voice and dignity back. Who better to teach our adolescent partners how to use the expressive/maker arts as a coping skill than those who do it for a living?

Human Service Professionals
Therapists - Social Workers - Teachers - Religious Leaders
Our human service professional partners provide a vital part of our support systems, so we provide a supportive network to help connect with and refer to, in return.
Periodically, our human service professional partners are spotlighted in a house show/jam session series which serves as a “front porch” opportunity for our support systems to meet and for potential partners to see what we are about.
Trauma takes away a person’s voice and dignity. This is especially true during adolescence. The expressive/maker arts, however, have the ability to give that voice and dignity back. We offer an apprenticeship based initiative which provides wrap-around services with our professional creative partners and teach them a creative coping skill.

Abuse/Neglect - Foster Care/Adoption - Human Trafficking
While our founder was in high school, he worked at a summer camp near Traverse City, MI. At this camp, there was a double-wide trailer the support staff guys lived in named Schwanda. In this trailer, five of the staff would jam together with their various instruments during their free time. These jam sessions built a community to connect with and use their music as a coping skill. The Schwanda jam/art sessions are a chance to recreate that experience for adolescents (ages 13-24) in the Ionia area. $5 entry fee will be used to fund the non-profit section (collective) which provides accessibility to therapy for adolescents and their families who are coping from trauma (abuse, neglect, foster care/adoption, human trafficking) and creative coping skills coaches as an apprenticeship model mentorship initiative. Bring your own instruments or use our own!
Periodically, our professional creative partners are spotlighted in a house show/jam session series which serves as a “front porch” opportunity for our support systems to meet and for potential partners to see what we are about.
Trauma takes away a person’s voice and dignity. This is especially true during adolescence. The expressive/maker arts, however, have the ability to give that voice and dignity back. We offer an apprenticeship based initiative which provides wrap-around services with our professional creative partners and teach them a creative coping skill.

Businesses - Organizations - Individuals
As a collaborative, our goal is to build support systems for our clients. This includes professional creatives and human service professionals, but we also need financial sponsors to round out our support systems. With your help, we could help make therapy accessible to everyone, regardless of their insurance status.
Periodically, our sponsor partners are spotlighted in a house show/jam session series which serves as a “front porch” opportunity for our support systems to meet and for potential partners to see what we are about.
Trauma takes away a person’s voice and dignity. This is especially true during adolescence. The expressive/maker arts, however, have the ability to give that voice and dignity back. We offer an apprenticeship based initiative which provides wrap-around services with our professional creative partners and teach them a creative coping skill.